

发布时间: 2024-05-09 22:35:23北京青年报社官方账号





As the tide of history surges with vigor, our world today is experiencing profound changes unseen in a century. We are witnessing a notable increase in uncertainties in the international landscape and rising challenges to the existing international system and order. Yet peace and development remain the call of the day, the trend of economic globalization and multipolarity is moving forward on many fronts, and the application of ICT (information and communication technology) and cultural diversity are reshaping our societies in profound ways. In the past year, Chinese diplomacy has neither been sidetracked by distractions, nor been deterred by winds and storms. Instead, it has kept cleaving waves and forging ahead, serving as an anchor of stability in a fast-changing world and an abiding source of confidence in a time of shifting dynamics.


As the epidemic developed into a pandemic, TCM demands from overseas Chinese have been constantly growing. On Saturday, WeDoctor launched the Global Consultation and Prevention Center — a global epidemic prevention and control platform, enabling 6,129 Chinese medical professionals to offer help to people overseas through the internet.


As the interaction between the Chinese and Greek people is flourishing in recent years thanks to the deepening cooperation between the two governments and many enterprises in numerous sectors, more and more Greeks are intrigued to get acquainted with Chinese mentality, culture and life style.


As required by a guideline published by the State Council in 2014, a three-year comprehensive survey of pipe networks under main urban roads has been rolled out in order to assess the situation of underground pipes, and the survey has been completed.


As the war in Aleppo city has ended in late 2016, this valuable product is back in the limelight.


